Sunday, March 11, 2012

Final Post

The journey this semester has been very interesting for me.  This has been one of the most challenging semesters that I have had thus far.  I am very glad for all of the information and insights that I have learned but am glad to have a break coming up! 
One major fact that I learned was that no matter how much we narrow and research something there is so much information out there to sift through. 
Thank you to everyone for sharing your comments and expereinces with me as well.  I feel that through your experiences I was able to gain insight into other areas of education that I might not have other wise had the opportunity to look at.  Good luck to everyone in the future!


  1. Hi Kathleen, This is Teresa Boyce. I wanted to say Thank You for all of your support during this long and rough journey. Through it all, I made through and I learned a lot from reading your posts and comments. I think that we all learned a lot from each other and I am very appreciative of it. I wish you the Best of Luck in your future goals and classes and hope you have much success.

  2. Kathleen,

    As a director and a teacher, I want to express my apprciation on your Sensory Processing Disorder Research. Although your journey may have had a few road blocks in the beginning the end result will help other Early Childhood Professionals understand the disorder. Throughout my educational journey one quote stands out, "As early childhood professional we need to be life long learners and problem solvers" (author unknown). Whenever a problem comes our way we need to conduct research to get a better understanding. I believe through this course we have made the first steps to learning about issues that may affect the children and families we serve. Best of luck as you continue your life time of learning journey!
